
সোণতলী আঞ্চলিক মহাবিদ্য়ালয় কেন্দ্ৰীয় গ্ৰন্থাগাৰ

   Welcome to Sontali Anchalik College Central Library  


Nurjaman Hoque
i/c Librarian
I feel immense pleasure to welcome all of you to the central libraryof Sontali Anchalik College, the hub of learning and zone of wisdom. The central library of Sontali Anchalik College has more than just shelves filled with books; it’s a place to explore, imagine,and grow the world of knowledge with our diverse collections of books, magazines, newspapers, journals and e-resources covering different subject areas. The prime concern of our library is here to help you to find what you’re looking for and make your learning journey to be practical. So, build a relation with us and ask questions, and let your curiosity to share the value of exact knowledge with each other.


 Contact us

Address-Sontali Anchalik College,
Sontali,Kamrup, Assam
PIN- 781136

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